"Zdes mogut voditsya tigry" or "Here There Be Tygers" is a short animated science-fiction film by the Russian animator Vladimir Samsonov. It is based on the 1951 ecological science-fiction short story by legendary writer Ray Bradbury who died on June 5th 2012 at the age of 91.
Set in an indeterminate future where Earth has consumed all the planets within its reach. Spaceships are sent out to far universes to find as yet untouched planets ripe for exploitation. However, the planet the crew land on is very different, they discover its not only sentient, but is capable of manifesting anything they desire. Conflict breaks out between crew members as the decide on both the fate of the mission and the planet itself.
Without giving the plot away, this version differs slightly from the original storyline, but is no less powerful for it. The electronic score is by Anatoliy Kiselyov is excellent, pure eighties Soviet ANS-style analog bubblebath.
The subtitles were made by myself and were taken directly from the Ray Bradbury story as I am pretty sure it was a straight dialogue translation - I checked against another subtitled version and there were only minor differences. If anyone who can speak Russian spots any errors in my translation, please let me know and I will update it immediately.
Note: I used the same spelling of "tyger" as the Ray Bradbury title though I am unsure if the original Russian title is "tiger" or "tyger" - anyway I thought the original spelling seemed more appropriate. I also replaced the word 'kilometres' for 'miles' as this is the term originally used by Ray Bradbury.
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